Two-Ingredient McFlurry

Before my family became health-conscious, I remember my mom took me to McDonalds once and let me try an M&M McFlurry. Ever since then, vanilla ice cream with M&M’s has become my perfect ice cream, though I’ve only been able to enjoy it once or twice in my life, since we never have ice cream or M&M’s in the house.

Until about a week ago. With both ingredients within my reach, I decided it was high time I made an M&M McFlurry. Without stopping to use a recipe, I scooped up some vanilla ice cream, poured M&M’s into it, and stirred like a madwoman. It. Was.Delicious. No Regrets.

Before I rewrite that last paragraph into recipe-form, let me give you just one little note: if you don’t want to stir “like a madwoman”, feel free to add a dash of milk before mixing (the milk will help soften the ice cream), but don’t add a lot or you’ll have liquid ice cream (unless that’s what you were going for).


  • Vanilla Ice Cream
  • M&M’s


Scoop the vanilla ice cream into a cup and pour however many M&M’s you want into it. Stir to combine the ice cream and M&M’s, as well as soften the ice cream to the desired texture. Enjoy! (You may have to repeat this really-easy recipe, depending on the amount of self control and ingredients you have)